They say about us

A Family in Blue

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In Vicenza, bicycle tourism overcomes disability barriers

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Vicenza Inclusive Cycling

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Vicenza and water: outing for bicycle tourists

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Social and Inclusive Tourism Project Company 8 Berica

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From Fossombrone to Furlo together we can

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Fossombrone - Furlo - a bike ride open to all

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OL3 bike: hug tandem

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Tandem elettrico a guida posteriore, una bicicletta… particolare

Rear-guided electric tandem, a special ... bicycle.

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“A Great Love”

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Consegna Tandem OL3 Bike a Autismo Triveneto Onlus

OL3 Bike Tandem Delivery to Autism Triveneto Onlus.

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Intervista Radio 24

Radio 24 interview with Alessandra Schepisi - A Ruota Libera

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'Christmas cycling' unites the city

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Ol3 Bike con Luca Zaia

They make a tandem bike to give their autistic son the joy of visiting the world

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Delta 2000 - New accessible trails in the Emilia-Romagna Delta

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A new rear-guided tandem for those who want to ride together

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The GabriBike, invented by the father to overcome barriers together with his son

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Dogi's Half Marathon with "Famiglie e Abilità onlus"

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Two special boys and two special dads at Dogi's Half Marathon

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